
How to Read an Alteration Agreement in NYC

For co-op and condo living, a close look at the contract—including why it exists

written by Carol Wang - November 27, 2018 (

Chances are, if you’re renovating in an apartment building—whether it’s a co-op or a condo—you’ll know what an alteration agreement is. And if you don’t, read on! It’s one of the many factors that will determine whether your renovation vision can come to life.

Alteration agreements recognize the reality of urban living: your neighbors are just a wall, ceiling, or floor away. What you choose to do in your renovation will affect their apartments and their lives over the duration of your project. This document prioritizes the greater good of the building over your desire for a new kitchen configuration, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t get that new layout—it just means that you have to be considerate of your fellow residents. 

Chances are, if you’re renovating in an apartment building—whether it’s a co-op or a condo—you’ll know what an alteration agreement is. And if you don’t, read on! It’s one of the many factors that will determine whether your renovation vision can come to life.

Alteration agreements recognize the reality of urban living: your neighbors are just a wall, ceiling, or floor away. What you choose to do in your renovation will affect their apartments and their lives over the duration of your project. This document prioritizes the greater good of the building over your desire for a new kitchen configuration, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t get that new layout—it just means that you have to be considerate of your fellow residents. 

What is usually included in an alteration agreement?

SCOPE OF WORK: The document will request a scope of work from your architect or general contractor. This, along with submitted plans, will be reviewed by the board and its architect. They may have questions for you.

INSURANCE: The agreement will ask you to provide the proper paperwork from your contractor and any subcontractors working on the project. Pay attention to the level of insurance required. In New York City, buildings typically require $1 to $2 million of coverage. Some buildings, however, require upwards of $5 million. 

TIMELINE: Boards like to maintain the quality of life for other building residents over the course of your remodel. One way is by restricting the hours of the day—and sometimes even the months of the year—that a renovation is permitted. Usually, there cannot be loud noises prior to 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. Additionally, Jiwoo tells us that in some apartments on Central Park West, for example, homeowners are only permitted to do renovation work in the summers.

Alteration agreements may include information on how long your project can take and require a penalty fee if you exceed that deadline.  While many alteration agreements include this penalty, boards are often willing to extend the date or to provide a grace period.

Other agreements may dictate that only a certain number of renovations can be ongoing at any given time, so you may have to plan your date and wait for your neighbors to complete their projects before you can begin yours.

WET-OVER-DRY RULE: This is another key element to look for in an alteration agreement. If you’re hoping to move or enlarge your kitchen or bath into spaces previously designated as bedrooms or living rooms, you may run into challenges. Buildings often want to keep all the “wet” rooms in a vertical stack due to the possibility of leaks. Your architect can work with the board to explain how precautions will be taken to limit the possibility of leaks or noise from these rooms that might be disruptive to neighbors.

Is it worth submitting plans that request something that is expressly prohibited in the alteration agreement?

The document provides the ground rules for your renovation. That said, depending on the character of your board and the management company, it might be worth raising a discussion on a reasonable point if you think that the agreement is outdated or does not reflect current practice. Examples could be the enforcement of the wet-over-dry rule or the prohibiting of a new HVAC system. The first person to ask is the property manager—if that person says no, it’s not worth wasting your time.

What if there is no alteration agreement?

If your building does not have an alteration agreement, it does not mean that you are free to take a no-holds-barred approach to your renovation. This means that the approvals process will be dictated entirely by the composition of the board and its preferences. Smaller buildings might not have this document and these approvals processes tend to be very hands-on. This scenario may play out in the renovator’s favor, however, given that these small buildings can also be more open to your vision.

Important things to remember

Sweeten contractor Santiago reminds us of the purpose of alteration agreements: “The main thing is that the board wants to protect itself. Second, it wants to protect the other shareholders.”

But you should take the document with a grain of salt. “It only gives you so much insight. It’s a formal document, but the truth of the matter is only revealed when you jump into the process,” explains Sweeten architect Jiwoo. “Ultimately, the alteration agreement tells you very little about what the review process is like. It’s not until you get comments back from your board’s engineer or architect that you will really discover what is off-limits and what is permitted.”

Use your alteration agreement as a guide, but work with your architect and general contractor to help you navigate both the agreement and the co-op board. Find the experts with the right experience and you’ll be on your way to demolition and a reimagined space.


Prevent Frozen Pipe Disasters!

Frozen pipes.jpg

What's worse than a major home maintenance disaster? Try several major home maintenance disasters at once. When a house's water pipes freeze, the situation is not as simple as calling a plumber. A 1/8-inch crack in a pipe can spew up to 250 gallons of water a day, causing flooding, serious structural damage, and the immediate potential for mold.

Frozen water pipes are a problem in both cold and warmer climates, affecting a quarter-million families each winter, and it can happen in homes with both plastic and copper pipes. It's all too common, especially considering this damage is largely preventable.

In addition to taking the usual preventive precautions, here are a few steps you can take to keep your pipes from turning frigid nights into inconvenient, and expensive ordeals.

Tips to help prevent pipes from freezing:

The three central causes of frozen pipes are quick drops in temperature, poor insulation, and thermostats set too low. You can prepare your home during the warmer months.

Insulate pipes in your home's crawl spaces and attic, even if you live in a climate where freezing is uncommon. Exposed pipes are most susceptible to freezing. Remember, the more insulation you use, the better protected your pipes will be.
Heat tape or thermostatically controlled heat cables can be used to wrap pipes. Be sure to use products approved by an independent testing organization, such as Underwriters Laboratories Inc., and only for the use intended (exterior or interior). Closely follow all manufacturers' installation and operation instructions.
Seal leaks that allow cold air inside near where pipes are located. Look for air leaks around electrical wiring, dryer vents, and pipes, and use caulk or insulation to keep the cold out. With severe cold, even a tiny opening can let in enough cold air to cause a pipe to freeze.
Before winter hits, disconnect garden hoses and, if possible, use an indoor valve to shut off and drain water from pipes leading to outside faucets. This reduces the chance of freezing in the short span of pipe just inside the house.
A trickle of hot and cold water might be all it takes to keep your pipes from freezing. Let warm water drip overnight, preferably from a faucet on an outside wall.
Keep your thermostat set at the same temperature during both day and night. You might be in the habit of turning down the heat when you're asleep, but further drops in the temperature - more common overnight - could catch you off guard and freeze your pipes.
Open cabinet doors to allow heat to get to un-insulated pipes under sinks and appliances near exterior walls.

Ways to help avoid frozen pipes while on vacation:

Travelling in the winter months might be a break in your routine, but don't forget to think about your pipes before you leave. What can you do?

Set the thermostat in your house no lower than 65°F. Also be sure to replace the battery in your thermostat every winter season.
Ask a friend or neighbor to check your house daily to make sure it's warm enough to prevent freezing.
Shut off and drain the water system. Be aware that if you have a fire protection sprinkler system in your house, it may be deactivated when you shut off the water.
Your pipes freeze, what might you do?
What if your pipes still freeze, despite your best preventive measures? First step: Don't panic. Just because they're frozen doesn't mean they've already burst. Here's what you can do:

If you turn on your faucets and nothing comes out, leave the faucets turned on and call a plumber.
Do not use electrical appliances in areas of standing water. You could be electrocuted.
Never try to thaw a pipe with a torch or other open flame because it could cause a fire hazard. Water damage is preferable to burning down your house!
You may be able to thaw a frozen pipe using a hair dryer. Start by warming the pipe as close to the faucet as possible, working toward the coldest section of pipe.
If your water pipes have already burst, turn off the water at the main shutoff valve in the house; leave the water faucets turned on. Make sure everyone in your family knows where the water shutoff valve is and how to open and close it.

From: Statefarm Insurance.